Comments Posted By Curtis Rose
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Van Jones is an interesting man. He has succeeded using American shame and guilt. He was provided a great education and turned on the very country that provided his education. The fact that the Democrats have turned hard left this election is no different from the right turns hard at various times. The fact that Van Jones would be held in high esteem by the media and the liberals is no surprise. He is articulate, educated and rationalizes everything against American, white members of the society, and Christianity. Van Jones is a young black man who can entertain his audience and have his messages of hate and bias received with applause and praise.

The fact he is a self proclaimed communist is not germane. The fact his represents the black movement of hatred and bigotry against other races primarily white is not germane. It is the self proclaiming of the overthrow of the US government which is against the law that has made several individuals and citizens pause to ask "How did this man get this job?" His "Green" knowledge is one of stating that the white society has poison the earth and other races in America. Green jobs are for the union workers and members of the new wave.

The fact that Van Jones represents the essences of the Obama Administration is what truly frightens Americans.

Comment Posted By Curtis Rose On 8.09.2009 @ 12:48

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